Growing a Deeper Intimacy Scripture



     Growing a Deeper Intimacy Scripture: John l5: 4-5...'Remain in Me, as I also remain in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, neither can you unless you remain in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who remains in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. For without Me, you can do nothing. Of late, I have found myself discovering an even deeper 'intimacy' with God. In that, I am only referring to a 'deep, personal, and loving close relationship' with Him. Have you ever been at a beach and had to walk across the sand? Did you notice how much harder it was to walk in that soft sand? You get tired quicker and had to put in more effort to cover the distance. Perhaps, you realized how difficult it was until you stepped onto firm ground. Everything suddenly got so much easier. This simple illistration shows a picture of why I am constantly pursuing that closer intimacy with God. John l5: 4-5 highlights that we need to be 'one with God' as He is our source of all strength. A close and personal relationship with God is like having something solid under your feet. It makes all the difference in the world. Yahweh, another name for God, desires us to draw close to Him. The Bible tells us to 'Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.'...James 4:8. In the journey of life, we face many different seasons. There are great moments and those times when we may drop into a valley of feeling down and discouraged. We might feel very alone, like we are merely drifting through life. You maybe even worried about how you were going to pay next month's rent or where your next meal was coming from. Through the years, I have learned that the 'key' to moving through is coming into that 'deeper intimacy' with God. If we look at Jesus' life, He constantly withdrew to spend quality time with Him. Matthew l4:23, Mark l:35, Luke 5:l6, Matthew 26,26. Here are a few simple ways I have found to deepen my intimacy with God. l) Try to spend quality time with God away from distraction. This doesn't have to be just a quiet time but a quality time with Him...a time to come into the Presence of your Savior. 2) Pour out your heart to Him throughout your day. Take Him wherever you go. Live every minute and every second with Him by your side. Also, take time to listen. As the scripture says, 'My sheep hear my voice and follow Me.' 3) Take a walk taking Him along. You'd be surprised how He can reveal Himself to you as you walk with Him. 4) Journalizing your answers and experiences with Him help you become more intimate as you praise Him for what He has revealed to you and the ongoing life of experiences as He reveals Himself through your life day by day. 5) Practice being thankful and spend time in worship. Psalms 22:3 declares that God inhabits the praises of His people. It is important to realize that intimacy with God does not get rid of trials and the pains of life. But, it will give you solid ground on which to stand when things get to be too much. Living a life of true and deep intimacy with God is empowering, encouraging, life- giving, and the feeling of God's strength that abides by our side. I hope you feel encouraged to climb up higher and go deeper in your intimacy with God and see what a difference knowing His Presence, character, and nature will make to your life. Amen











Seek and you will find...Knock and the door will be opened unto you! God isn't a job. God is a joy!

May the Lord bless you as you step up and seek more of Him today!