Message To Our Readers 2015


We are very fastly approaching another anniversary here at Life-Light Ministries. It has been our joy and honor to seek the Lord, to pray and prepare and share pertinent messages, insights, to speak forth words of knowledge, signs and wonders, and messages of self-examination, and exhortation as we come into God showing forth His Heart of Love as we His Glorious Bride/Church are being transformed into His very likeness.

We are pleased to announce how the Lord has united different anointed ministries who have joined with us as in the 'One New Man'...all proclaiming Christ in us...the hope of glory. We love them and appreciate each one. United, we declare it is time to Watch, Repent, Prepare, and Be Ready for the Lord's soon return, to call out that Glorious Bride who eyes are stayed on Him, to speak of the Awakening that has already begun within the Body of Christ. Joyous days are just ahead as we simply yield to His will and to His Love. It's time to take our place by His side. Are you ready?

We, here at Life-Light Ministries, not only want to share the comfortable messages but feel the Lord wants us to examine our relationship with Him in 'light' of God's Word to be able to tear down and rise up, to heal, and to restore.

The Word says, 'Judgment begins in the House of the Lord'. As such, we endeavor to not only write to help you examine where you are in Christ...but, we know that even with us we are but dirt in the eyes of the Lord if we simply endeavor to get to Heaven through works of the flesh. Only by accepting Christ as our personal Savior and asking His Holy Spirit into our hearts and allow Him to reign and rule, can we begin to mature, begin to see Christ as He is through our lives right now, living in His Presence day by day as we to die daily so Christ can live through us.

He has called each one for a 'purpose'. What is your purpose? As we sit in church each Sunday, do we go to just hear a message and then go home or do we go with an anticipation of how we can cover each others' backs, deeply love all within our congregation, and allow them to see Christ's agape love shining through us, to cover each others' backs as we go forth not only within but without? We can only answer to God for our actions.

A Glorious Bride/Church 'is' rising up. However, many of us idolize the things of this world rather than the things of God. We speak more of being a certain persuasion rather than speaking how our lives are being transformed and how Christ has made Himself known to us. Have we a religion or a relationship?

Truths of the Bible are being realized by those through many sources 'if' we are willing to simply listen and to seek Him with our whole hearts. Maybe, we have become more a people of tradition, position, solitude, rules, and doctrine, or prestige...rather then a people who are being matured into the very likeness and love of Christ through the Holy Spirit living and abiding in our hearts for all the lost to see day by day.

The great news is that it's not too late. Christ is ever calling to those who will simply come. Will you rise up and shake off the shackles and make that all important decision in your life?

I keep seeing a box of matches laying in a straight line all packed into it's box. Each one lays so perfectly but there is a problem. Unless each match is taken out of the box and strike 'light' will shine, no one will ever know their true match will ever rise up and realize their true potential. We also sit in perfect rows deep within our church walls. Have you realized 'your' full potential in Christ Jesus or have you just been sitting there quietly for all to see and then simply leave and walk away? Have you realized 'all' that Christ has prepared for those who love Him as the time of the rapture draws ever closer? Have we become a stagnated people who exemplify the world more then the Master?

As you read some of our messages, always remember God's grace and His deep, deep, deep, passionate love for each one of us. He is calling the lost and wayward home. He is calling for us to return to our lst love. He is calling His Glorious Bride to 'awaken' and begin to look through His eyes...allowing Him to live and breath and have His being flowing as living water out of our hearts. He is ever calling. He is taking His Shepherd's rod and trying to turn us around and show us where we have lost our we can come into His fullness and maturity in Him. He is ever calling, ever seeking those who seek Him as their pearl of great price. Has He become yours?

Our purpose at Life-Light Ministries is to bring light to those dark places in our lives. We hope that our messages both challenge and encourage and bring joy as the living God calls for us to now take our place by His side as we come into these Last Days.

We pray that some of that Old-Time Religion of both the Spirit and Fire will continue to be seen in our messages for even in some purging are we refined as gold and we will shine in the likeness of our Lord.

We encourage whoever has been writing or giving testimony concerning the Glorious Bride coming forth to please contact our ministry. United as One Body and in the 'One New Man', we can unite and go forth to declare the acceptable time of the a mighty row of combines, we can go forth to help one another in the Great Awakening and in bringing in the Harvest. Feel free to contact us by e-mail or by telephone at any time. If the Lord is speaking to you, let us know.

Perhaps we will add you to our list of ministers, ministries, and friends who have a message from the Lord to share.

Jesus is calling. Are you listening?

God's Blessings to You All as we now enter into an even deeper dimension in Christ by His Grace! Amen and Amen.

Phyllis Hovey...Ministry Team Leader