Becky's Miracle

Do you believe in miracles? Some may say yes because they have prayed and received the money they needed just in the nick of time or they just survived a terrible car crash and came out of it with only a bruise.

Or, maybe, you might say, I'm really unsure. Nothing has ever happened to me.

This experience out of my Christian Journal may help you believe.

I joined a group in our Baptist Church to go to a Healing Conference in Dubuque, Iowa, in the l980's. Many noted speakers attended. Some had a gift of healing physically and another with a gift of emotional healing plus a noted physician who spoke on whether he could prove whether or not an experience was a real miracle or not. He happened to use a graph where to place your experience between l to l00.

I raised my hand and told this experience:

In l978, our family had friends who lived in another town a few miles from Maquoketa, Iowa. I'd been approached by the family at that time and asked if my husband and I would be willing to keep their youngest daughter for a short time. As we'd been friends for years, we were more than willing to help. For the next two weeks, we had another sweet little girl to hold and love.

It was a few years later, after she turned six or so, that her and her older sister had a babysitter as their mother had to go help with another emergency of a neighbor.

Many in Iowa use wood stoves. As the babysitter was stoking the fire, trying to get it started, she happened to use a starter not intended for wood stoves and there was a fire. The younger was taken out of the house and the older sister was still in the house. Sadly, the younger daughter didn't listen to the babysitter and ran back into the house to save her sister where she perished.

Her older sister ended up being burned over 75% of her body and sent to the Iowa City Burn Unit. It was only a few days later, when her great-grandmother called to informed me that Becky now had poison in her blood, her burns, and her kidneys and she was dying and was asked if I would come with the family to Iowa City to pray for her healing.

I quickly called my sister and we prayed and then tested whether we should go. Our test was if the pastor's wife who we were taking our children to while we were away would agree that it was the right thing. She confirmed we should go.

Arriving in Iowa City, I was taken into see Becky in the Burn Unit. She lay there in a coma. But, to our amazement, she opened up her eyes and said 'Grandma' and her mother ran out quickly to get the one woman who had the faith that God would heal her baby grand-daughter.

I just knew God was present that day. For as we laid hands on her precious forehead and just thanked God for the life of our baby, words were spoken within my spirit, “Rejoice, for I have healed her! Tell the family that she will be all right.

The following day, the phone rang and it was Becky's grandmother. At first, she wouldn't tell me but that was strange. She seemed happy.

I asked her again. And, she informed me that Becky had no poison in her blood, in her burns, or in her kidneys. That God had healed her.

The doctor looked at me in amazement. He said, “What you told me is off the chart.” “There is no way that child should have lived.” “She was a dead person.” This was truly a miracle.

See! The Lord God has no boxes. He dwells out of the box. And, that day, the doctor verified that this was an absolute truth. The Lord still is a God of the miraculous. What does this show us? As scripture says, 'ALL things are possible to those who believe.'

Matthew l9:46

As a postscript, Becky is now an adult with a daughter of her own. By the way, she looks identical to her mother without the scars. Praise God's Holy Name! All due to one great-grandmother/s faith and one great God.
